45 AI Art Fails That Are Both Horrifying and Hilarious

AI has taken over, bringing amazing and hilarious possibilities. ChatGPT supporters say art’s all about enriching our cultural vibes, but AI has a different take on it. The bots whip up “art” quicker than you can say Picasso, but the outcome can be a bit surprising. Sometimes, AI taking on art can be a hit-or-miss situation. We decided to embrace our AI art era and have combed the web for epic AI art fails. Prepare to laugh out loud as we unveil the side of AI that’s more “Wait, what?” than “Wow, art!”

What a Hot Dog!

Who doesn’t love an adorable dachshund? Sometimes called wiener dogs, these dogs are so joyful and light, so who wouldn’t think about creating an AI-generated photo of a wiener dog race?

What a Hot Dog!

Unfortunately, though it sounds like a cute idea, it didn’t entirely turn out so cute. In fact, it’s kind of a little disturbing. We’re sure that wiener dog races won’t be very popular in the future!

Such a Love Muffin

We’re not sure what this person was trying to create with their AI-generated image, but it probably didn’t turn out the way they wanted. It’s definitely weird, but we kind of want to cuddle it! It’s quite cute, and there’s no reason this should be considered a fail, right?

Such a Love Muffin

Except for the fact it didn’t really generate what this person was looking for. Who wouldn’t think that this little muffin was cute? In fact, it’s so cute, who could ever think about eating it?

That’s a Pretty Arrogant Expression

One of the biggest places to get AI-generated images is Midjourney, which can bring amazing results if you can correctly word the query. This person may not have stated it particularly well after trying to get an image of the narrator for their story.

That’s a Pretty Arrogant Expression

They wanted this image to have an arrogant expression, and that’s what they got. We have to say, the AI-generated idea isn’t far off from what could be called an arrogant expression.

Fish or Man?

This person apparently wanted an image of a fisherman, but got a fish man instead. If you ask us, it has a little of an H.P. Lovecraft-type vibe. Although it was a fail given what they were asking for, it might well be an excellent inspiration for a future Cthulhu-inspired story.

Fish or Man?

It is kind of creepy, and though one is definitely creepier than the other, it’s still a pretty interesting take on a fisherman. This creature looks like it belongs in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies!

Just a Little Yoga

Yoga is a trendy way to get a little exercise. Many people do it to align themselves and get more in tune with their bodies. These pictures, though, have people a little too attuned with their bodies – and others’ bodies as well.

Just a Little Yoga

We’ve never seen any type of yoga poses like this, and quite frankly, they’re a little disturbing. So, this is going to be a no when it comes to whether the AI could generate an appropriate image of a little yoga practice.

And the Winner Is…

There’s nothing quite as cute as this capybara race! We don’t know who thought of this, but it’s amazing. It’s not quite a fail in our minds but, then again, we don’t know what they were trying to capture.

And the Winner Is…

This seems to be a burnout of momentous occasion, something we’re sure could only be found in Australia. As a side note, these little guys are so cute we’re not using to seeing them seem so tough.

Catch of the Day

This person simply wanted an image of a fisherman catching a salmon. However, when they asked the AI for this, it didn’t quite understand the assignment. Instead, this is an exciting image of a fisherman riding a fish!

Catch of the Day

It’s not even a live fish, but something that looks like it should be basted with butter and garlic and plopped on the grill! Though it does make for a funny image, it’s still considered a failure! That’s okay, we’ll just sit here and enjoy a good chuckle.

Under My Umbrella

This would be a fail if they were looking for a traditional photo of someone holding an umbrella. However, if they were looking for an abstract piece of art, this may well be a perfect example for an exhibition.

Under My Umbrella

It’s quite a strange rendition of someone holding an umbrella. If they were looking for an image of someone holding an umbrella, this is not quite a person holding an umbrella, though it still would keep them dry!

Eye on the Prize

Ah, good old mansplaining! Some guys seem to like to explain everything to the women in their lives, from how the world works to simple things like eating a hamburger. So, when you’re trying to create an image of that, apparently, this is what AI thinks happens during the conversation.

Eye on the Prize

Hey, at least the AI got one look right! Clearly, that woman is frustrated by the fact that this guy thinks she doesn’t understand how to chow down on that burger. Maybe this is more of an image of what would happen if a man tried to mansplain this situation!

New Roller Skate Prototypes?

AI is pretty impressive, but it still has a way to go. There are clearly some concepts that artificial intelligence struggles with. One of those just happens to be the idea of roller skates. Though this is a pretty cool image and could definitely be something out of a 1970s sci-fi movie, it isn’t accurate and it’s a little disturbing.

New Roller Skate Prototypes?

Or maybe this is just a precursor to what roller skates will look like in the future! Either way, we’re pretty positive this is not what the person had in mind when they asked for an image of someone wearing roller skates.

Talk About Horsepower!

One of the most popular shows in the 1980s was Knight Rider. So, if you’re looking to get the show’s essence in a high-quality image, why not generate one? Well, why not? Because if you do, you may wind up with something like this.

Talk About Horsepower!

Though this is technically correct, this image of horse riding is not suitable for a review of the iconic show. But, even still, it’s kind of an excellent image, and the horse looks absolutely stunning!

Show Me Your Handstand

Remember when you were younger and always liked showing off your handstands? Well, what would happen if you wanted an excellent handstand? According to AI, this is what it would look like! Not only is this disturbing, but it could be tricky for some people to achieve.

Show Me Your Handstand

We’re just not sure that AI understood the concept, and the prompt could’ve definitely been made better. Keep trying, AI. You’ll get it, just like we all figured out how to do a handstand.

Something Is Being Revealed

Gender reveal parties are a big thing nowadays. After all, who doesn’t want to celebrate new life? It should be a pretty straightforward image to create. We’re not sure what the prompt was that garnered these images, but whatever it was, there was something.

Something Is Being Revealed

First, we’re not sure where the swan or goose came into the picture, but we’re sure it’s inappropriate to use them as the vessel for your gender reveal! This is quite disturbing!


Who knew that Doja Cat was secretly one of the cat people? Trying to get a good image of a celebrity could be challenging, so it’s no wonder that many people are trying to use AI-generated photos to create them.


But we think maybe they needed to use her birth name. Even so, this is quite the package of images and some very, very fetching kitty cats! Perhaps these images could be considered usable if they decide to do another Cats movie?

So Strange

Have you ever heard that sometimes a pet begins to start looking like its owner? If you haven’t, this picture will be even more shocking. If you have, it’s still kinda creepy and, honestly, something we’re sure was intended.

So Strange

Eerily, this pet and master combo looks so much alike that we’re not sure how to look at this image, let alone where to look. This was supposed to be a portrait of a pet and its owner. It certainly is; just not in a good way!

Just Your Typical Camping Trip

Camping can be a great way to spend a weekend. These trips tend to be full of adventures and fun stories that will be told for years to come, around the dinner table. So why does AI think that camping is this exciting?

Just Your Typical Camping Trip

None of these images are what a camping trip is actually all about. In fact, if this was a camping trip, we might be a little afraid! Then again, it does look like this camping trip is pretty magical and has quite the party vibe.

A Self-Portrait

We all dream of having a self-portrait to put over that amazing fireplace in our life, right? Probably not so much nowadays, but back in the day, for sure, so it’s kind of interesting that this person was going for that look.

A Self-Portrait

We want to read the prompt because, somehow, things went significantly wrong. After all, not many people have three arms. Although, in this case, it might be handy if you can have this one hand free for whatever else you have going on in your life!

A Unique Cat Cafe

Many people love heading out to a cat cafe for a few sips of hot tea and to get all cuddled up. With so many out there, we can understand why someone might be looking for a unique cat cafe idea, and tap-dancing cats could be it.

A Unique Cat Cafe

We’re just kidding, because if this is what a tap dancing cat cafe looks like, we’ll just go down to a regular cafe that has a stray cat on the sidewalk. AI really needs to get itself together – it’s making a mockery of the word ‘intelligence.’

Say, Cheese!

Everyone has their dream house. We all have that image of the perfect place. Apparently, for this person, they thought it might be a house made of cheese. AI had something completely different in mind and instructed them, through this image, to basically build it themselves!

Say, Cheese!

One thing, though, we do think that although it sounds impressive to have cheese on hand at all times, this could get a little sticky during the summer months!

Parenting Shouldn’t Be Like This

Even if you don’t have kids, parenting can be difficult. After all, you have a little human in your arms and are trying to raise them to be the best human, while maintaining other aspects of your life.

Parenting Shouldn’t Be Like This

So, both having a little time away and spending time with them is vital. But if this is how parenting is, maybe it would be better to think again about if you can handle the job. AI has us pretty scared! Is this parenting of the future? We hope not!

What The….

We have no idea what this person was trying to create when they jumped onto Midjourney. But, whatever it was, we’re sure this wasn’t it. This could be a scene out of a horrible sci-fi movie!

What The….

This is definitely not a cat we would want to pet at any time. We certainly hope they retried whatever they were doing and got a good result. It’s definitely gonna change whatever piece of work they were working on.

Look! No Hands!

AI has a lot of unique capabilities. But, even still, it’s not perfect yet, and so there are some things that it struggles with. For instance, when it comes to creating hands. So, this person thought they were trying to be clever and created a prompt that said no hands.

Look! No Hands!

Unfortunately, though, the images aren’t cute. But, then again, they could just crop it and leave the hands out altogether, and that would make this a more successful image creation.

Tell Me About It

There are tons of great shows out there, especially in the sitcom realm, but maybe one of the most popular is The Office. Trying to figure out how to tell the show’s story in images, without using screenshots of the show, can be challenging.

Tell Me About It

AI’s capability isn’t great, and you get crazy images that we’re not quite sure does justice to the show! Mostly, we’re just left with a sour taste in our mouthes and a tingle down our spines.

Back in the Day

Do you ever wonder what everyday life was like back in the ’50s and ’60s? AI can help us determine that if we simply give it the correct prompts to create images to help us build the images in our imagination. Or maybe not!

Back in the Day

They’re both interesting and frightening; all wrapped up in one. Though everybody looks thrilled in them, we’re not sure that this was what the person intended when they asked to see what daily life was like in the 1960s.

An Ice Age Friend

Everybody has a dream. Some people dream of being a celebrity, and others dream of seeing things they could never see, like a woolly mammoth. Who doesn’t wanna get a selfie with one of those big hairy cuties?

An Ice Age Friend

After the movie Ice Age, this guy clearly wanted to as well. But something went entirely wrong because instead of being a pal with this creature and just getting a simple selfie, it seems like he might be turning into one, which is not what was expected!

Berating a Tortoise

Everyone needs a little encouragement every now and then. So, even when there are turtles, and you’re raising them, you may need to have a little pep talk to encourage them.

Berating a Tortoise

We’re hoping that’s what happened here; however, we’re not sure why Steve Buscemi got wrapped up in this situation. Whatever this is, we’re not sure where someone would use the image. It could still be fun to have to lie around at parties as a conversation starter!

Breakin’ it Down

There’s nothing quite like cat memes. That’s why they flow so freely through the Internet. Trying to find new memes and ways to make them fun is an excellent use of AI technology. Some of them are gonna be winners, and some of them are going to be losers.

Breakin’ it Down

Break-dancing cats is an interesting idea, but AI didn’t understand. Even so, we’re sure that if you try really hard, you could use these images of break-dancing cats to set the Internet on fire and give people a few chuckles.

Take the Wheel

Who doesn’t want a car that feels like it’s part of them when they sit in it? After all, comfort when driving is very crucial. This image, though, is taking it to a whole new level. It’s all about the wording and the prompts you use.

Take the Wheel

If you put in ‘create an image of an individual comfortably sitting in a car,’ we can understand why AI got it a little wrong. However, it did get some things right, because everyone in these images is pretty darn good-looking! The rest is definitely a flop, though.

A Family Photo

Everyone wants to have a unique family portrait. Some people will just go to a photographer and set up a photoshoot, but with AI technology, why even bother? You could potentially get just as great of a result as you would with real-life photographers by typing a few keywords in.

A Family Photo

Or, you could end up with something as horrifying as this. We know it should be a family with 1.5 or 2.5 kids, but this is taking it to a whole new level. There are some alarming aspects here, and we’re sure the family didn’t intend for this to be their family portrait.

Have a Seat

One of the most popular Marvel characters ever is Deadpool. So, we understand why somebody would try to use an AI platform to create images of him. Although there are some fails here – and an acrylic chair – there are a couple of really cool ideas you can make, market, and sell to make a little money as a side hustle.

Have a Seat

After all, the first two images are pretty cool, and we think we’d probably have them in our house. So, maybe it’s not as much of a fail as we initially thought.


Every family deserves to have one good picture with everybody in it. But this isn’t it! We hope this wasn’t an attempt to create a Christmas card, because this wouldn’t work well.


First off, why is everybody so unhappy? According to this image, it could be because some strange things are happening with a couple of the children. Ultimately, this looks like something out of a Rob Zombie movie instead of something that could be sent out as Christmas cards!

Eat More Veggies

Veggies are an essential part of any diet. Although many people hate them, some have their favorites that they can stomach. Apparently, when asked, AI thought that broccoli is one of people’s favorite vegetables in the world.

Eat More Veggies

We think AI probably needs to do its research because, clearly, the algorithm picked up the wrong things. After all, we know many people just can’t stand broccoli. That said, the people in this image definitely look like they’re enjoying it to the fullest.

Say it Loud!

Plenty of stereotypes come to mind when you think about almost any country in the world. But maybe Italy has some of the most stereotypes. So, when AI compiled the ideas of what a typical day in Italy looks like, this came out.

Say it Loud!

It just shows a bunch of people yelling! We’re sure that happens quite a bit worldwide – including in Italy – but it’s not an everyday occurrence!

Let’s Parkour!

Parkour is a fun martial art involving running and using buildings and apparatuses to prop yourself up and over them. Many people associate this with free running, but there’s so much more to it than that.

Let’s Parkour!

AI got the awkward moments right, but put a bit more magic into it. There’s a lot more science and a lot less magic in parkour. You probably won’t walk or stand on ceilings. But, hey, at least this person got some images that could make good memes!

What a Gift Box!

A gift box of cute adorable kittens! That sounds like a beautiful way to start a day, so we eagerly waited to see what the image would be, and AI did not disappoint – in some aspects. In others, though, we were left a little weirded out.

What a Gift Box!

This picture made a frightening image that could be a perfect backdrop for a horror film set in a mansion with a chainsaw-wielding madman. This image isn’t something that we’d just leave lying around.

Yoga With the Kids

Yoga is super beneficial for adults, and it can be great for kids too. It’s an excellent way for kids and parents to spend a little time together. That being said, yoga like this is not what we’re talking about.

Yoga With the Kids

In fact, this is like something out of an abstract painting that just went horribly wrong. We do suggest trying yoga with kids, but maybe not trying to get AI to create images that it just can’t understand!

Avant-Garde Modeling

Sometimes, when it comes to a modeling photoshoot, it can be a little avant-guarde. Making a photoshoot unique, whether with a particular location or a creative prop, can make things a little more memorable.

Avant-Garde Modeling

But we’re sure this person didn’t intend to get this out there. We’ve never seen Sarah Jessica Parker quite like this, and we’re confident the person behind this image hasn’t either!

On Thin Ice

It can be challenging to create images of sports. The prompts have to be very clear. Unfortunately, this person was looking for some unique figure skating images and needed to be more specific about what they were looking for.

On Thin Ice

Though it’s very modern and liberal of them that most of these couples are of the same gender, the images themselves aren’t quite right!

Be Precise

To create a successful image, prompts are given. But even when you’re super precise, things can go awry. Not necessarily the overall image is problematic, but the extra limbs can be a little unnerving.

Be Precise

We do think green was a good choice, because Miley looks amazing in this. Maybe try again and be a little more detailed regarding the appendages, and you’ll get the image you were looking for in the beginning.

See Those Tumbleweeds?

There are some great genres of films that people can develop relationships around. This couple clearly likes spaghetti westerns, so the guy thought it would be a cute idea to create an anniversary gift of him and his significant other in a spaghetti western.

See Those Tumbleweeds?

It’s no wonder he turned to AI to make the surprise but, unfortunately, AI let him down. However, this could also be a cute gift, just not quite as meaningful as the other option.

Keep it Hairy

The only thing we could think of was this person was trying to get an idea of what Bigfoot might look like. After all, simply typing in hairy legs and feet can lead to a slew of different – and sometimes inappropriate – images.

Keep it Hairy!

He didn’t get any of those. There are a few unnerving images, though. There’s a lot of hair and a lot of legs, but nothing like hairy legs and feet!

Keep it Up

Yoga is an exercise that many people use to become a little more flexible. There are a lot of poses and unique positions that you have to get your body into. Although the AI captured that, we’re not sure these are the actual poses practiced in a yoga class.

Keep it Up

Don’t take our word for it. We’ve never been, but some of these seem a little impossible to even get into! How can your head be on your neck and feet at the same time? This isn’t the kind of yoga we had in mind.

Awkward Pose

One of the best things about AI-generated images is that it allows people with maybe not-so-good artistic abilities to create what’s in their imagination. Things like mermaids and unicorns can easily be conceived of without the person being able to actually draw them.

Awkward Pose

However, you may still wind up with issues, like this poor girl who seems to be a mermaid who doesn’t quite have a very comfortable pose. This pose might require her to go to the chiropractor at the end of the day!

A Little Too Literal

Plenty of times, having the power to generate images can be pretty helpful to people. It could be quite handy if you’ve never been able to take a picture of something or even have access to the plethora of free photographic assets out there.

A Little Too Literal

So, having a picture of salmon in a river might sound majestic. However, AI took that a little too literally for some reason, and it looks more like dinner is trying to escape down the river. This picture did give us a bit of a chuckle, though.

Mommy Dearest

When you get invested in a star’s life, you’re interested in what their future holds. If they’re single and young, you may wonder what their kids will look like, especially once they find a high-status significant other.

Mommy Dearest

So, it’s completely understandable this person wanted to get an idea of what Jennifer Lawrence would be like as a mommy. However, we don’t think this is an accurate portrayal, and we actually think AI needs to work a little on its result!