30+ Times Misheard Words in Conversations Ended Up Having Hilarious Results

We’ve all misheard a word here and there. This can sometimes make it difficult to get our point across or even confuse your point altogether. Sometimes these misunderstandings can frustrate us but sometimes they lead to downright hilarious results. These miscommunications will definitely bring a smile to your face and even make you laugh out loud.

Very Busy

Mishearing a question is one of the most surefire ways to lead to hilarious misunderstanding. Not to mention, it can really confuse both of you when you offer an unrelated answer.

Very Busy

With this in mind, this conversation got confusing thanks to a mere one-letter difference. In this guy’s position, most of us would probably think that Andy here is just very busy, if not pretty vague at the same time. He definitely didn’t understand the reference to her green thumb.

Checking Your Vitals

After you check in for a doctor’s visit, no matter what it’s for, you usually have your vitals taken. These basic steps might include checking your heart rate, temperature, and more. They will probably also check your blood pressure as a basic measure as well.

Checking Your Vitals

As for this patient, he made an embarrassing mistake when he thought she asked for his “peepee” — not “BP.” That would be a rather informal way for a nurse to ask to see your privates.

Neither, Thanks!

When you need to grab some feminine hygiene products, you have a few options as to which product you can buy. You might ask an employee for help if you can’t find them.

Neither, Thanks!

If they want to know if you’re looking for a specific product, they might ask you more questions. However, this question left the woman here wondering exactly what sort of barbaric products this store carries for a woman’s monthly cycle! As for this person’s dad, he was trying to help her find the right tacks.

Weird Question, But…

There are a lot of icebreakers that you can use when you’re getting to know someone. For instance, you might have once been asked what you would bring with you to a deserted island.

Weird Question, But…

This person didn’t really expect these sorts of icebreakers from the United States Army but they were ready to roll with the punches. Of course, it caused some confusion when they said that their first reaction to seeing a snake would be to eat it.

Here’s Hoping!

There are some things that you might really look forward to. As summer approaches, you might look forward to those sunny, hot days. That’s what this person was hoping for.

Here’s Hoping!

However, we really hope that the older man made it to 81 years old too! We mean, if you were that old man, you’d probably be taken aback by such a dark comment about your age. These two didn’t even seem to know each other, making it even more surprising!

No, Really

You meet a lot of people in college and it’s hard to keep them straight. Having a last name to put to the person might help you out. It’s not often you run into someone who has an insecurity about sharing their last name.

No, Really

However, the OP still wanted to be supportive. Technically, they may not have misheard him but they definitely misunderstood what he said. If you haven’t caught on, his last name is actually Gross.

Wow, a Magician

Getting to know someone at a club isn’t easy. For one, there’s usually blasting music, which isn’t often conducive to communicating clearly. As it turns out, this wasn’t a magician at all.

Wow, a Magician

In reality, he was a musician. That explains the confusion on his face when he was asked to perform a trick or two. Most people just call those instrument “tricks” music, but maybe this person’s changing it up a bit.

What Was That?

At the doctor’s office, they sometimes ask you to do things that you wouldn’t normally think of. However, you comply because you know there’s a medical reason.

What Was That?

Usually, this comes down to something like taking a deep breath so they can listen to your lungs or moving in an odd way to check a joint or get an X-ray. This request left both the doctor and patient confused after a moment.

No, Thanks

There are some mistakes that we’ve all made. For instance, who hasn’t told a waiter “You too!” when they’re presented with a meal and told to enjoy it?

No, Thanks

When this waitress offered the OP a potato, she thought it was polite, if not a little odd, so she refused just as politely. It wasn’t until after she left with a confused look on her face that this person’s aunt clarified what she’d just said.

Well, You Never Really Have to

There are a lot of decisions in life that are optional. Some events you may not be able to get out of but you can decline a random party.

Well, You Never Really Have to

This person was more than a little confused when a group came up and asked quite a personal question but he offered the answer anyway. After a bit of clarification, it was clear to see that they weren’t offering him a bathroom but rather, an invite to a party — aka pottie.

Now Everyone’s Confused

If you’re heading out into a night with a chill in the air, you’re going to want to grab a coat that can keep you warm. Sometimes, you’re caught without one, though.

Now Everyone’s Confused

When the security guard offered this advice to LouieB here, they thought the guard was telling them how much they needed a cat. It seems like this person had already thought through the big decision of getting a pet. We wonder why he pushed past the “litter box” comment. They probably both left concerned.

Proving a Point

If you suddenly don’t feel well and like you can’t hear as well as you did the day before, you’d probably head to the doctor’s office to see what’s up.

Proving a Point

This person was doing just that when the condition itself led to a misunderstanding. Technically, they did need to know the problem but they just weren’t quite there yet. If nothing else, he definitely demonstrated the issue to the person talking to him.

Sorry, Dad

Some comments are ones that people hear all the time. If you look like your parent, you’ve definitely heard about it once or twice or a thousand times before.

Sorry, Dad

However, if someone told you that you looked like you were dead, you’d probably want to change up your look. By this response, the other person on the line probably thought they really didn’t like their dad or how he looked.

Oh, My Condolences

If someone says they lost something like a badge, you might want to take the opportunity to help them out. The OP wanted to make sure his buddy knew what to do since he lost his badge.

Oh, My Condolences

That advice would have been really helpful if he’d actually been looking for a new badge. In reality, he was telling this Twitter user about a much more personal and irreplaceable loss. We don’t think security can print a new dad.

Hold on a Second!

Cashiers are often trying to move through the line as fast as possible. Odds are, you are too, so you’re trying to pay quickly and move on.

Hold On a Second!

This person thought that the cashier was mumbling a quick congratulations but really she just needed an answer to her question. Yet, upon realizing that the customer here was celebrating something, they were quick to show some excitement! They got into the spirit at the end there… unless she was being sarcastic. Guess we’ll never know!

Actually, I Don’t Need One

When you find yourself without something you need, you might ask for someone to help you out. In the situation in question here, luckily, there’s a lot of solidarity.

Actually, I Don’t Need One

Vic here was more than happy to oblige too — she just had to find where it was in her purse. However, the wording that she used could have maybe been reworked. We can see how this woman was possibly rethinking who she asked.

Congratu- I’m So Sorry

Lisa, like many, read the clues that the person they were talking to were giving out — and interpreted some of those in a different way than they were originally intended.

Congratu- I’m So Sorry

When he smiled, this person took it as a “yes” to the question of whether they’d bought a house. The only problem was, they had done just about the opposite of buying a house together. We’re going to guess this experience wasn’t “really cool” for them.

A Classic

There are some misunderstandings that we’ve all had when we’re talking to someone. For example, who hasn’t said “You too!” to a service worker at some point? Usually, it’s the customer making this mistake.

A Classic

However, this cashier was so busy trying to get their job done that they probably heard something like, “Have a great day.” So, they probably didn’t mean to give this woman such a flirtatious response when she commented about the weather.

Oh, Do I?

If someone passes by you on a hot day and comments on how you smell, you would naturally start to feel a bit embarrassed and, well, check yourself.

Oh, Do I?

That’s what this Twitter user did when she saw someone cute, only to hear a comment about her smell. Of course, the conversation could have been a lot more romantic if they’d heard his compliment correctly. It’s hard to jump into flirting after the other person sees you sniff your own armpits.

Thank you!

There are some things that someone says that can really boost your confidence. If you’re dancing with someone and they call you “hot,” things are going in the right direction… right?

Thank you!

Well, that only tracks if they’re not telling you that your skin is actually feverish. While it seems like the relationship worked out, it did lead to a rather memorable misunderstanding when he just wanted to let her know that she was dealing with a noticeable sunburn.

Covering History

There are a lot of ways that you can break the ice with a date. Usually, you don’t necessarily kick it off by asking your date’s favorite part of history.

Covering History

Still, when this dude started to talk about Romans, he was sure he could hold his own in a history conversation. However, the answer sounds a bit less competent when you consider that he revealed he was more of an “Elizabethan-era guy” when his date shared she loved romance.

Just Trying to Help

Fleas are a pain for both the owner and the pet. They’re a hassle to deal with and they make your pet itchy and uncomfortable.

Just Trying to Help

Yet, flea treatments aren’t the cheapest thing in the world and sometimes the ones you find on a deal aren’t working like you had hoped. When this person told them to try a “peel,” they thought it was a little annoying to offer such vague advice. What kind of peel do you even need?

Are You Swedish?

Some people aren’t used to others being able to spell their names without any help. You might wonder if the person who can spell your name right is used to the language it comes from.

Are You Swedish?

For instance, if you’re Swedish, you probably need less help than someone who isn’t Swedish when it comes to spelling Swedish words and names. That’s probably why this person asked this question, not because there’s a general stereotype about how great Swedish people are at spelling.

All in the Accent

When you move somewhere new, you might run into misunderstandings as you get used to the new accent. You don’t even have to move far to see this effect.

All in the Accent

When this person moved to Tennessee, they weren’t quite used to the accent yet. As such, there was some confusion as to what exactly a “whale” was doing in the backyard. The good news is that it was a much more useful and correctly-sized well.

Going Steady

When you’re young, there are some things that you hear for the first time and you don’t know what they mean just by virtue of never hearing the phrase before.

Going Steady

So, after this person was asked to “go steady” for the first time, they just defaulted the phrase to the closest one they knew. The other person was probably really confused as to what homework had to do with dating him. Years later, the OP can still remember the look on his face.

A Couple of Comedians

There are a lot of people who served in the Vietnam War and since then. When this guy was talking about his own service, he asked his passengers if they’d ever done the same.

A Couple of Comedians

They said they hadn’t and pointed out that they weren’t from the country. It seems like this cab driver thought that they were comedians, not Canadians. We’re glad to see how supportive he was of their fictitious careers, though.

Written Miscommunications

You would think that writing things down would help you avoid misinterpreting a message. In some cases, it can really help you avoid some trouble. As for these two, it was a text message that led to some serious confusion.

Written Miscommunications

All this person wanted to do was add a little love to the text. Instead, her husband misunderstood and took the message literally. We hope that this person wasn’t expecting a feast when they got home.

Getting Kicked Out

Going to a new restaurant to try a dish you love is an exciting time. Plus, even if you haven’t had it, this dish sounds like it would be pretty tasty.

Getting Kicked Out

Of course, one thing you probably don’t want to happen at a restaurant you like is to get kicked out. This guy was confused as to why this waitress was asking him to leave before he even ate. What did he do? Well, he actually only misheard something.

Just a Tuesday

Some things that you purchase have to meet certain requirements to buy. Most stores like this require you to wait until you’re 21 years old to start shopping.

Just a Tuesday

To make sure that you fit those requirements, they usually check your ID and they might ask you to confirm your birthday. Of course, they might also wish you a happy birthday if they notice it’s your birthday. Yet, this person may have misunderstood.

Doing Her Best

Kids are still learning a lot and their little brains are still growing. So, it’s easy for them to get confused, especially when two words sound the same.

Doing Her Best

This parent must have been really proud their toddler knew her animal noises. At the same time, we’re sure they made a mental note to teach her the other meaning of the word “duck” after they dealt with this boo-boo at the playground.

Of Course!

As we said, kids are still learning and growing, so you probably mishear and misunderstand a lot while you’re still growing up. For most kids, ordering at a restaurant for the first time is a big accomplishment.

Of Course!

After all, it’s a major move for independence when you’re young. This person thought they were going to get a Super Salad on top of their accomplishment but really they were just getting either a soup or a salad with their meal.

I Said What I Said

Homework is something that we all have to deal with when we’re in school. After a while, you might really get tired of working on your studies in and out of class.

I Said What I Said

After a while, you might just feel like giving up altogether. This student decided they were done, which isn’t quite the same as finishing your homework. Despite what his dad misheard him say, that homework wasn’t done.

Just Watching

Cooking is all about timing. So, if you have to run out of the kitchen for a minute, you might need to call someone in to keep an eye on things while you’re gone.

Just Watching

The unspoken message here is that you might need to handle something that comes up in the kitchen while the chef is gone. This person wasn’t quite aware of that, though. So, they kept their word and watched the potatoes as they burned to a crisp.

Even Worse

Like we just said, if you’re asked to watch a situation, they probably don’t just want you to watch disaster happen — they want you to intervene.

Even Worse

Much like the situation with the burnt potatoes, this is not how anyone wanted this situation to go. Yet, the stakes were a little higher here. This kid was really young and just took the command literally when he was asked to watch his cousin. Then again, he didn’t have any advice to follow when she tried to roll away.

Adding Oil

Cars are complicated and while a lot of people drive one or even own one, they probably still usually turn to a professional when something goes wrong.

Adding Oil

There are some things that a mechanic may be surprised that someone doesn’t know, though. This particular mechanic was rightfully confused when this customer kept insisting he was having a problem with his “710.” He might want to turn that cap upside down to see the real problem.

Now That’s a Talent

If you see “1 oz” on a recipe, you probably know that you want to put in an ounce of that ingredient. Of course, if you just glance at it or aren’t familiar with that unit of measurement, you might get confused.

Now That’s a Talent

Peter misread the recipe in a way that was really taking him a lot of time and clearly confusing his teacher. He was then shocked that his teacher was so good at cooking, she could pour out exactly 102 currants without counting.

Jessica, Please Focus

No one really likes reaching out to customer support. Odds are, you just want the problem fixed and you’re already getting a little impatient.

Jessica, Please Focus

As for this person, they were just trying to give Jessica the information she needed to verify their account. Clearly, Jessica was in a more flirtatious mood. All this person really wanted, though, was to give them their PIN and move on. We hope they changed it after posting this, though.

Helpful Knowledge

Sometimes, you need a little help when you’re in the car. After all, you don’t have eyes on everything around you all at once and it can be helpful to have an extra set of eyes.

Helpful Knowledge

As for this mom, she asked her son who was in the car with her. Taking her question literally, he said no, not initially mentioning the truck that was coming their way. Let’s hope this pause wasn’t long enough to pull out into disaster.

One Way to Clean

This person in this scenario really was trying to help their grandmother while she recovered. The only problem was that they took things the wrong way. This grandmother was hoping her grandson would sweep things out from under the bed.

One Way to Clean

We guess the phrasing Grandma used is technically a little bit vague. Following her instructions, Matthew swept all of the dust right underneath the bed. Why she wanted it under there wasn’t any of his business.

Wear What You Want

There are a few things that you need to learn as a child for safety reasons. For example, you should know your name, where you live, and how to contact your guardians.

Wear What You Want

When it came to teaching this child his address, there was a bit of a hold-up. He was all on board but just didn’t think a dress was his style. We’re sure it took a little extra patience to work around this misunderstanding.

Skipped a Step

Giving instructions to another person can be hard. After all, certain parts may seem easy to see once you’re well-practiced at a skill.

Skipped a Step

The important thing to remember when you’re teaching someone to do something is to be very clear in what you’re doing and show them every step. Without hearing those exact words, the OP’s wife misunderstood that they were supposed to toss the potato peels away and they included them as an ingredient.

This is Getting Difficult

We’ve already seen how imprecise phrasing can really cause a huge miscommunication. This is especially true for someone like a teenager whose still learning a skill.

This is Getting Difficult

When they weren’t quite a master chef yet, this person was left in charge of the mac n’ cheese for just a moment. All they had to do was stir it. That’s exactly what they did, too. They just stirred and stirred the mac n’ cheese, even as it burned down to ashes.

Not Misheard But Definitely Misunderstood

When you’re in school, you’re meant to spend your time learning and growing. That means there’s room to make mistakes too, like the ones that can come about from misunderstanding instructions.

Not Misheard But Definitely Misunderstood

An adjective could have helped this sentence. Instead of lightly tossing the apple slices in the mixture, these students started to toss the apples like they might toss a ball. The latter really does sound like it takes some skill.

Measure With Your Heart

Some things in the kitchen are favorites to many. As for garlic, you may have heard people tell you to measure how much you use with your heart. Still, you might not want to amplify the garlic to this degree.

Measure With Your Heart

When the recipe calls for a clove of garlic, they mean one of the pieces you pull out of the head. Instead, this person splurged on multiplying the recipe by an incredible amount. We hope everyone likes garlic!

Hold on, How Dare You?!

There are some things that men just shouldn’t yell at women on the street. In fact, yelling at women on the street at all is a pretty obvious no-go.

Hold on, How Dare You?!

Only half listening, this woman mistook a catcall for a compliment on her outfit. The fact that this guy looked so surprised at her reaction made her realize her misunderstanding and the fact that this guy knew he shouldn’t have said this.

Realizing Something

When this person heard that their coworker was vegan, the first question that came to mind was about the leather safety boots they all wore to work.

Realizing Something

If you say it out loud, you can see how “leaving” and “vegan” would be easy to mistake for one another. It seems that it wasn’t the first time that this guy found himself in this situation. A month later he found out why that was.