40+ of the Worst Christmas Gifts People Have Ever Received and Decided to Share Online

Worst Christmas Gifts People Received

Shopping for a Christmas gift for a friend or loved one can be tricky, often leading to buying the wrong thing or something that the recipient will never use. What’s even more frustrating is being on the receiving end of a terrible gift. We’ve compiled a list of people’s worst Christmas gifts who decided to share with the world just how bad the gift they got was. While some are funny, others are downright odd, leading us to wonder just what exactly the gifter was thinking when they bought these Christmas gifts.

Wrong “Beets,” Dad!

We’re not too sure how well things would go down if we were the ones receiving this gag gift on Christmas day. This kid innocently asked for Beats headphones for Christmas. Dad thought himself pretty clever and had a better idea.

Wrong “Beets,” Dad!

He made his child his very own “Beets” instead. Sigh… Dads and their jokes. Hopefully, a real gift followed this genius gag gift.

What a Disappointing Gift

Hygiene and toiletry items make for bad gifts, as this next post will clearly prove. This giftee received a personalised toothbrush from their girlfriend’s family for Christmas. While they was already understandably self-conscious about their dental problems, the gift only made them more embarrassed.

What a Disappointing Gift

When considering what to buy for someone, it’s a safe bet to avoid personal hygiene products unless it’s something special, like a nice perfume that you know the giftee will enjoy, or something that they expressly asked for.

Grammy’s Favorite

No parent, or grandparent for that matter, will ever admit that they have a favorite child. But, it can often be seen in the gifts they give, as seen in this post about a child receiving a cat’s toy for Christmas while her sibling received cards from her favorite series.

Grammy’s Favorite

It can be rather difficult to choose that perfect gift, but it’s pretty grim when all you can think of is a cat toy. A gift card or cash would have gone down much better than this worst gift ever.

Think Again

We’re sure Grandma had the best intentions when she made her grandson a pair of homemade socks to keep his feet warm. Unfortunately for him, Grandma doesn’t have the best eyesight, and the socks are two different lengths.

Think Again

Mismatched socks are rather unfortunate, but they are not necessarily one of the worst Christmas gifts to receive.

Dementia-Driven Worst Gift Ever

We can forgive this Grandma for her rather strange gift of a hospital gown and a feminine hygiene product. People living with Dementia are often so far removed from reality that even the simplest things do not make sense.

Dementia-Driven Worst Gift Ever

Thankfully her granddaughter is really understanding and probably appreciated the gift nonetheless. Still, it is probably better that grandma sticks to giving money instead.

Take a Bow

We often see social media posts of people bragging about getting new cars as Christmas gifts from their spouses. This wife, however, received a rather strange gift on Christmas day when her husband surprised her with a new bow on her existing vehicle.

Take a Bow

We hope this was not the only gift she got that day. Otherwise, you can be sure that hubby will be sleeping on the couch for the foreseeable future.

Sibling Gift Gone Wrong

Siblings often give each other the worst gifts as a joke. This one was so well thought-out that you have to appreciate the effort and planning they put into it. It seems, though, that this girl is used to her brother’s pranks and likely had a good laugh at her “gift.”

Sibling Gift Gone Wrong

Although the gift might not be what she expected, she can at least give her brother props for his cunning prank.

Merry Christmas, You’re Adopted!

Christmas is our favorite time of year — a time for families to get together, swap gifts, and celebrate. It’s not, however, the time for parents to tell their children that they are adopted.

Merry Christmas, You’re Adopted!

This poor kid had to find out in one of the harshest ways possible that he was adopted when his parents gave him this rather strangely titled book.

The Best Gift Ever

This guy had the genius idea of wrapping himself in wrapping paper as a gift for his girlfriend. While this seems like a cute idea, we hope she at least got another gift, too.

The Best Gift Ever

Sometimes, it’s the thought that really counts, and this is probably something his girlfriend had to remind herself, too.

This Is Awkward

Getting underwear as a Christmas gift is not such a bad thing. What is bad is when it is a lingerie voucher from your grandmother! ESpecially one that she had your brother buy on her behalf.

This Is Awkward

Not quite sure what dear old Granny was thinking, but this has to be one of the worst gift ideas we have heard of. Poor brother is probably scarred for life.

A Gift Between Brothers

Ah, the pranks continue! This guy doesn’t look too charmed with the gift he received from his brother on Christmas morning. While we could commend his brother for taking the time to print and frame the pictures, he could have spent his time better by coming up with an actual gift.

A Gift Between Brothers

But, what are brothers for, if not to give you bad Christmas gifts on purpose? We have to say that this one, albeit bad, is quite creative, so we give him kudos.

Wrapping Follies

Opening gifts on Christmas morning is exciting, no matter your age. But, it can become rather tedious when your brother plays a prank on you and has you unwrapping empty boxes only for the last one to reveal that your gift is actually on the dining table and not under the tree.

Wrapping Follies

This one must have made for a good laugh that ensured all was forgiven when they finally got their real gift.

When You Need Google Translate

One can only laugh at this hilarious gift that someone received from a foreign family member. This poster’s poor step-grandmother gifted them a medical-themed t-shirt as they were studying to become a doctor.

When You Need Google Translate

Unfortunately, she didn’t understand exactly what was written on the shirt and was left rather embarrassed when they explained it to her. Gifts like this remind us that it’s the thought that counts.

When Grandma Delivers

Imagine telling your Grandma, as a joke, that you want 100 gifts from the dollar store. Granny took it a little bit too literally as she gave her grandson exactly what he asked for, and he probably spent hours unwrapping all 100 gifts.

When Grandma Delivers

We guess there is nothing more to say other than, “Thanks, Granny!” Don’t you just love it when older folk have “challenge accepted” moments?!

A Gift for All Seasons

What could be sweeter than receiving a calendar for Christmas? This girl didn’t think it a sweet idea when she opened her gift and found that her calendar featured 12 months of having to stare at goofy photos of her brother.

A Gift for All Seasons

Hopefully, she sees the funny side of it and ends up using it. This gift took time and effort and is pretty cute if you think about it.

Ocean Pacific: The Rip-Off

Clothing, especially high-quality name-brand clothing, can be quite expensive, which is why many families give clothes as Christmas gifts. For this poster, however, homemade clothes were a thing, and when a popular brand was too expensive, their grandma made them her own version of the expensive brand that looked nothing like the original.

Ocean Pacific: The Rip-Off

Fitting in can be tough, and while this might be the worst Christmas gift, we hope this poster at least appreciated the love and time that went into making the item.

Apple…er… Watch

Does your significant other love gadgets? Tech gear can be pricey, but this genius wife came up with the perfect gift for her husband when she got him an “apple watch” for Christmas.

Apple…er… Watch

Unfortunately for him, it wasn’t the one he wanted, but he couldn’t be too mad because this watch was a beauty. Plus, he gets a healthy snack thrown in for free.

The Subtle Hint Gift

With the cost of living being as high as it is, many young adults still live with their parents. This 24-year-old got the surprise of their life on Christmas morning when they were given a suitcase set by their parents.

The Subtle Hint Gift

Thanks for the not-so-subtle hint, Mom and Dad! This is definitely a gift with a clear message that they should probably start looking for different living arrangements.

Say Cheeeeeese

This might not be the worst Christmas gift ever, but it belongs on the list of weird gifts one can receive. We have no idea what possessed this girl’s aunt to gift her sister a bag of shredded cheese for Christmas.

Say Cheeeeeese

Perhaps she knew her niece loved cheese? Or maybe she just didn’t know what else to get. Cheese is versatile, at least, so hopefully, the girl got good use out of her rather odd gift.

The Greatest Mannequin Ever!

Lloyd took one for the team when he tried on pajamas meant for his kids. Hopefully, they will never find out about their dad wearing their pink pajamas because they might just hide them in the back of their closets forever.

The Greatest Mannequin Ever!

This is not the worst gift ever, but the memory of your dad wearing it might just be! We have to applaud him for his bravery and sass in putting these pajamas on. Good going!

Expired Gifts For The Win

Shout out to this girl’s aunt for giving the worst gift possible when she gave her a bottle of expired lotion for Christmas. When you don’t know what gift you should get someone, the worst thing you can do is buy them any old thing.

Expired Gifts For The Win

Or worse, give them something from your bathroom closet. In this case, a card with $5 inside would have been more useful than this 12-year-old bottle of lotion. Shame on you, Aunty!

Secret Santa Fail

Around Christmas time, many companies do a gift exchange between employees known as Secret Santa. This guy took it a bit too far when he gifted his colleague a photo of himself draped seductively on a blanket on the beach.

Secret Santa Fail

Clearly ignoring the $20 limit on the gift, he bought the cheapest frame he could find and considered it a great gift. This one belongs in the trash can, that’s for sure.

When You Have to Work for the Gift

Why wrap a gift the normal way when you can make the giftee sweat to get their presents? Another one for the pranks list; this genius gift was wrapped by one brother for another.

When You Have to Work for the Gift

We must say, the gift is great and might just be worth the effort the poor guy had to go through to get it. But, Christmas should be the time for relaxing, not working.

Socks, Socks, Everywhere!

What started as the worst Christmas gift ever soon turned into one of the best for this kid. After opening one pair of socks after another while his younger sibling was opening gifts of toys, this poor lad had all but given up when his mother revealed his real gift of a brand-new laptop.

Socks, Socks, Everywhere!

Sometimes, you have to get a few bad presents to truly appreciate the good ones; for this kid, it all turned out well in the end.

When Your Gift Is Embarrassing

This dad definitely had the last laugh when he gifted his son a set of shake weights and mimicked how to use them in front of the grandparents. Way to go, Dad. You’ve probably earned yourself the title of “Worst Dad of the Year,” never mind the gift being one of the worst on our list.

When Your Gift Is Embarrassing

Hopefully, the poor kid can put his gift to good use and get super buff before the next Christmas get-together, where he will have the last laugh.

Did You Say “Ken Doll?”

When making your Christmas list, it’s always a good idea to be specific about what you want. This is one way to avoid confusion and decrease your chances of getting a gift you don’t want or have no use for. This man’s sister had a good chuckle when her brother asked for a Kindle.

Did You Say “Ken Doll?”

As a joke, she gave him the Ken doll first. After having a good laugh, she then handed him the real gift of a Kindle. Ha ha, good one, Sis!

When You Hate Snakes!

Moving on from one bad gift to another. There is little worse than getting a useless gift, like a music CD you can’t use because it’s broken. It’s quite another thing to receive a gift having to do with the same movie two years in a row despite having no interest in the film.

When You Hate Snakes!

Who gives CDs and DVDs these days anyways? And if you are going to, make sure it isn’t a pirated copy of the soundtrack that is also cracked. Awful Christmas gift!

Gag Gift or Hidden Treasure?

We can’t quite tell if this woman is genuinely happy with her gift of Steve Buscemi leggings for Christmas or if she is just faking a smile to hide her disappointment. While there are those who would love these leggings and wear them every opportunity they get, it seems that she might have been given these as a joke.

Gag Gift or Hidden Treasure?

Let’s hope she falls in love with them or at least wears them around the house when cleaning. They are not ideal for evenings out on the town, that’s all we can say.

Dirty Laundry

Family traditions are fantastic around Christmas time and are sure to help create memories that will last a lifetime. This girl got a little more than she bargained for when her aunt unknowingly wrapped some of her dirty laundry in with the little girl’s present.

Dirty Laundry

Imagine opening your gift to find a pair of smelly undies mixed in with your gift. All we can say is, “Ew!” This gift certainly takes the cake for the worst gift ever!

A Special Gift for that Special Someone

Imagine unwrapping a gift from your best friend on Christmas morning to find this gem! If you look closer, you will notice that the gifter is actually every single person in the photo. Classic!

A Special Gift for that Special Someone

This one obviously took some time, effort, and a few odd looks from strangers to put together. It deserves a 10/10 for creativity!

Don’t Drink and Drive, Kids!

Ensuring that your loved ones drink responsibly is important. But using your cousin’s tragic passing as a way to send a message along with a rather crappy gift is quite another thing entirely.

Don’t Drink and Drive, Kids!

Sure, this girl’s mom was only trying to ensure that she didn’t suffer the same fate that her cousin did, but she could have skipped the part where she included that it was from the departed. This gift takes the prize for being both weird and downright creepy.

Re-Gifting Mishap

It is always a good idea for spouses to go over the gifts that they bought for their children. This silly situation could indeed have been avoided entirely had this guy’s mom just asked her husband if he had bought these games for their son.

Re-Gifting Mishap

There is a good lesson here: do not leave your things lying around, kid, but rather keep them in your room where they belong.

When Your Wishlist Isn’t Specific

Most families ask each other for wishlists to avoid buying someone something they don’t want or need. The family in this post did too, but unfortunately for someone, their list was not specific enough, and they only put down the word “Amazon.”

When Your Wishlist Isn’t Specific

This left the gift very much open to interpretation. A creative gifter decided to give their family member this, um, creation. We guess you can’t blame them when they had very little to go off of, or they had no idea that you actually had an Amazon wishlist going.

Creative Wrapping!

This poor kid had to carry this box up and down the stairs for his mother. Unbeknownst to him, this old box contained his Christmas present, which just happens to be a new gaming console.

Creative Wrapping!

Well done, Mom, for your creativity and getting your son to help lug the box around for you. We would have loved to see his face when he opened it on Christmas morning!

When Momma Loves Candles

Rachel is a genius at giving gifts, but we are not too sure how her mom — or her siblings, for that matter — will react when she opens this gem on Christmas morning.

When Momma Loves Candles

Hopefully, she will love it, and the other siblings will see the funny side of things. Otherwise, it’s going to be a rather awkward and silent Christmas lunch.

Strange Uncle Gives Strange Gifts

There’s always that one family member that gives the strangest gifts. For this guy, it was his uncle who gave him a cement block, a mini chisel, and a hammer for Christmas. With no idea what was inside, the giftee had no choice but to chisel his way through the block, only to discover a few coins and an arrowhead.

Strange Uncle Gives Strange Gifts

It makes one wonder what was going through the uncle’s mind when he chose to give this to his nephew. Maybe it’s his definition of fun… But, not his nephew’s. Or ours.

A Gift to Burn, er, Treasure!

Sometimes a sentimental gift from your child will end up being the best gift you have ever received. For this dad, however, a large blanket with a picture of his son’s face on it might not have been the sentimental gift he was hoping for.

A Gift to Burn, er, Treasure!

While a framed picture would have been a better option, this son went out of his way to make sure his dad didn’t forget his face. Thankfully, he seems pleased as punch with his gift and will surely treasure it forever.

When the Store Makes a Blunder

This guy wanted to give his girlfriend a blanket with photos of him on it as a gift to keep her warm on those lonely nights when he’s away from home. Unfortunately for him, the store gave him the wrong blanket. He only realized this when his beloved opened it up on Christmas morning.

When the Store Makes a Blunder

Luckily for him, she seems to have seen the funny side of it. Apparently, she’s keeping this gift even though the pictures are of a complete stranger.

Creepy or Thoughtful: You Decide

Imagine receiving a gift of your uncle’s facial hair in a Ziploc bag for Christmas. This is what this guy received after telling his uncle that he wished he, too, could grow a beard.

Creepy or Thoughtful: You Decide

This is one time where you really have to consider the saying, “It’s the thought that counts,” because otherwise, it’s just downright creepy. What would you do in this situation? Smile and say thank you, or recoil in terror?

Grandparents and Their Weird but Well-Meaning Gifts

If you don’t know what this poster recieved, we suggest you ask a friend to explain it to you. That would have been a good option for this Grandma before she gave her grandDAUGHTER bright red underwear that is very clearly meant for men.

Grandparents and Their Weird but Well-Meaning Gifts

We don’t know what poor, sweet granny was thinking. But, we will forgive her for not knowing what it was when she bought it. Still, this is pretty hilarious.

Pikachu, I Choose You!

If you’re a fan of the Pokemon series, this would be the best gift ever. But, if you’re not, this 2XL onesie of Charmander will haunt your dreams forever.

Pikachu, I Choose You!

We’re hoping the gifter just chose the wrong size and didn’t choose this monstrosity on purpose; it’s possibly one of the worst Christmas gifts ever!


Considering what to buy a teenager as a Christmas gift is often a complicated and frustrating task. What do you give a teenager? This aunt got it completely wrong when she bought her teenage niece a toy meant for a toddler.


No matter how well-meaning her gift was, it’s clear that this gift deserves the title of “Worst Christmas Gift Ever.” Perhaps, next time, a few dollars in an envelope will be more well-received.

When You Really Shouldn’t Give Socks

Socks are not a bad gift in and of themselves. They are useful and they come in handy when you want to keep your feet warm. Plus, they’re available in a ton of fun designs that can add some quirk to your outfit. They are not, however, an appropriate gift for someone that has no feet or legs at all.

When You Really Shouldn’t Give Socks

Poor Auntie did Grandma dirty by buying her a pair of socks for Christmas. Oh, to see the faces of those in the room on Christmas morning!

Bad Timing

Sometimes, the difference between a terrible gift and a wonderful one is simply in the time when it’s given. This unfortunate dishtowel is the perfect example of that. For an eight-year-old kid, this is a truly terrible present.

Bad Timing

But, ask a person over the age of 25 and they’ll tell you it’s a wonderful and thoughtful gift — especially if it goes perfectly with their kitchen decor. For this kid, though, this was definitely unwanted.

When Your Wrapping Skills Are Subpar

Imagine waking up on Christmas morning, rushing to the tree with your family to open gifts, and being greeted by this sight. We can only imagine the horror on Mom and Dad’s faces when they saw this gift under the tree.

When Your Wrapping Skills Are Subpar

Thankfully it was nothing more than a gag from one sibling to another, but even then, what were they actually supposed to do with this gift? This one certainly belongs on our list of the worst Christmas gifts ever.